“Het creëren van Bloomberg voor de crypto-markt, plus onderwijs, plus Gemeenschap”


Zolang ik volg de voorraad investeringen cryptocurrency perrnah, heb ik gevonden is er een project dat echt een reëel voordeel, de meeste winst, maar niet zo veel als we hadden gehoopt, dus soms zelfs kreeg het verlies omdat de aandelenkoersen zijn gedaald na het ICO-project voltooid. Tot eindelijk vond ik een project dat is echt goed voor het voordeel van de investering. Ik zal informatie verstrekken aan u allen over het bestaan van het project in het ICO zal platforms garanderen u te profiteren bij het investeren, lees dan in te vullen.

In de afgelopen jaren, cryptocurrencies bleek de snelst groeiende Asset Class en off aangeboden fenomenale beloningen voor degenen die besloten om te investeren. Lange termijn beleggers, evenals dag handelaren, profiteren van de unieke mogelijkheden van aangeboden door de meest veelbelovende markt die we ooit hebben gezien. Het covesting platform laat zijn gebruikers toe om de handel automatisch te kopiëren die door de succesvolle cryptocurrency handelaren en winst samen wordt gemaakt. Covesting is geen collectieve beleggings regeling. Het is eerder een platform voor beleggers en cryptocurrency handelaren die op zoek zijn naar de meest geavanceerde trading tools en technologie te gebruiken, evenals de gecombineerde wijsheid van de Gemeenschap in orderachieve maximale rendement in cryptocurrency markten beleggers zijn het maken van dezelfde winst als professionele crypto handelaren, in het comfort van hun rekening handelaren worden beloond met 18% succes vergoedingen door anderen toe te staan om hun beroepen te kopiëren.

Covesting staat op het punt te verstoren Investment Management industrie en uitgegroeid tot een van de toonaangevende spelers op de cryptocurrency markt door de invoering van de meest complete infrastructuur voor beleggers en handelaren die omvat:

  1. Covesting peer-2-peer Asset platform-de essentie en de kern van de Covesting infrastructuur. Het implementeert een succesvolle peer-2-peer business model en verstoort de traditionele Investment Management industrie.
  2. Crypto Intelligence Portal-de meest complete educatieve bron en kennisbasis gebouwd door handelaren voor handelaren; met de nieuwste markt nieuws, unieke content gemaakt door toonaangevende crypto deskundigen gericht op het opleiden van de Gemeenschap, het uitwisselen van ideeën en het bespreken van de nieuwste marktontwikkelingen.
  3. Liquiditeit aggregatie/algoritmische Trading-we streven naar het opzetten van directe API bridging met cryptocurrency uitwisselingen van over de hele wereld. Door het samenvoegen van liquiditeit van top cryptocurrency uitwisselingen, kunnen alle gebruikers profiteren van transacties die tegen de best mogelijke tarieven worden uitgevoerd.


Voordelen van toetreding Covesting:

  • Handel de breedste selectie van cryptocurrencies
  • Toegang offertes van top uitwisselingen via een enkele rekening (gecombineerde markt diepte)
  • Profiteer van snelle en responsieve uitvoering, strakke spreads, en een diepe orderboek
  • Toegang tot alle nodige informatie over crypto
  • Toegang tot de meest geavanceerde software voor grafieken
  • Het genereren van gedetailleerde financiële verslagen die zullen worden afgestemd op de regelgeving.


  • Start datum: 24 november 2017
  • Einddatum: 15 januari 2018
  • Symbolisch symbool: COV (ERC20, Ethereum-based)
  • Valuta geaccepteerd: ETH
  • Minimale bijdrage: 0,1 ETH
  • Token Bron: 20.000.000 COV
  • Token te koop: 15.000.000 COV
  • Harde GLB: 25.000 ETH
  • Alle onverkochte tokens zullen worden verbrand


Voor meer informatie u terecht op onderstaande link:

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” 3 Stappen In De Richting Van Veiligheid Investment “



Hallo al die tijd zal ik u vertellen hoe te investeren veilig zijn met behulp van de Authoreon platform. Authoreon is decentralisatie vergunning, authenticatie, verificatie & certificering en dus het veiligstellen van eerder onveilige instanties en functies. De Authoreon oplossingen voorkomen fraude, cyberaanvallen, materiële en immateriële identiteitsdiefstal, en ze bieden een all-over traceerbaarheid voor levering en eigendom ketens. Authoreon als een oplossing voor u allen bij het investeren in de aandelen van cryptocurrency op dit moment. Het bestaan van het ICO project project wordt steeds afgetrokken om cybercriminaliteit te maken is ook toeneemt. Voor dat we moeten meer waakzaam in hun investeringen om te voorkomen dat verliezen die zullen worden ervaren als gevolg van hackers die stelen persoonlijke gegevens die wij of onze activa in de aandelenmarkt cryptocurrency. Misschien is dit keer alle projecten potentieel ico voor beleggers, maar soms negeren de gevaren die er bestaan, en vervolgens Authoreon een initiatief het creëren van een project op basis van de veiligheid van de investeringen. Het volgende is een drie-stap beveiliging eigendom Authoreon. Deze 3-laags architectuur beveiligt het eigendom en decentraliseert de autorisatie door gebruik-case-specifieke Smart contracten in combinatie met de interplanetaire database (IPDB) en het interplanetaire bestandssysteem (IPFS). Alle Authoreon platform transacties zullen worden aangewakkerd door een applicationspecific token, de Autheon (AUTH).

Stap 1 : Blockchain

Authoreoen is gemaakt met Etherum, algemeen, open source, cencorshipresistant, en innovatieve blockchain. Is een protocol dat automatisch in de implementatie, biedt een virtuele machine die is gedecentraliseerd met EVM (Ethereum virtuele machines). Het mogelijk maken voor u allen met name voor beleggers kunnen krijgen slimme contracten, via een database die wordt verspreid naar gebruikers voor aandelen activa transactie cryptocurrency. Netwerk blockchain systeem met behulp van cryptografie, zodat beleggers altijd kunnen interacties met andere investeerders en met de eigenaar van het project om het laden van elk proces te maken en zeker zal veilig karean maakt geen gebruik derden. Alle leden van het ecosysteem zal een kopie van de gegevens activa die woonachtig zijn in blockchain, zodat het kan elke transactie die zich voordoet weet. Om te kunnen toevoegen of te doen voorraad transacties cryptocurrency gebruikers zijn verplicht om de evaluatie algoritme uit te voeren voor de verificatie van de transactie om aanvallen van hackers te voorkomen. Etherum Blockchain zal de veiligheid van gegevens te bereiken met behulp van een algoritme dat een hash-functie gebruikt om de voorwaarden te creëren waarin elke anggotalah kan het Asset document te openen, maar het is mogelijk om te worden geopend door iemand anders zo lang als goedkeuring van de eigenaren direct is rechtmatig, zonder dat dan er misschien anderen kunnen het actief te openen, met inbegrip van hackers.

Stap 2: Synapse

In aanvulling op Blockchain, Authoreon is ook de ontwikkeling van Synapse protocol, is een onafhankelijke toepassing die is geïnspireerd door de menselijke hersenen. Synapse is ontworpen om meer functionele, schaalbaarheid en veiliger cursus, laat gebruikers krijgen Smart Authorization contract. Veiligheid die wordt gemaakt met een scripting taal die is geïntegreerd in het Authoreon protocol, met hoe het contract te verifiëren door middel van onderhandelingen en het beste van de resultaten van de onderhandelingen te nemen. Slimme contracten zijn bedoeld om de beste beveiliging te bieden dan traditionele contracten, om andere transactiekosten in verband met het contract te verminderen. Synapse is verantwoordelijk voor het veilig en effectief opslaan van gegevens en het verifiëren van de identiteit van de toegangsautorisatie wordt opgeslagen. Als intermediair tussen blockchain (proof-of-work) en laag de toegangssleutel (proof of Stock), produceert het Synapse protocol ook tijdelijke toegang tot contract projecten zodat blockchain werk lichter en sneller werd bij het vervangen van gegevens disimpandi blokken, gelijktijdig ook transacties kunnen uitvoeren in hetzelfde blok.

Stap 3: Access Lock

Authoreon het creëren van toegangstoetsen als een instrument in te voeren, in de synaps en bieden tijdelijke toegang. Door het ontwikkelen van een 2-Key-algoritmes, het verstrekken van statische en dynamische sleutel sleutel. Dit mechanisme vervangt de twee-factor authenticatie die al bestaan, de enige legitieme eigenaren kunnen vrij toegang als een gebruiker die heeft Autheon of penggunadengan munten veel activa of transacties op blockchain. Hier, de berekening van de hash-functie werd vervangen door de digitale handtekening is eenvoudig die bewijzen eigendom. Authoreon ook automatisch plaats gebruikers in het programma een loterij voor prijzen bovendien, bieden ook prikkels voor deelname aan een laag van toegangstoetsen door het toestaan van de ‘ Printing ‘ van de munten (VS ‘ mining ‘ in blockchain). Dit zorgt voor de breedste netwerk-en netwerkbeveiliging dus werd de meest krachtige Authoreon.

Gelieve join door een bezoek to verkrijgen van veiligheidsgaranties bij het investeren in de voorraad cryptocurrency. Hopelijk dit artikel nuttig voor u allen.


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“ It’s time you get the best ICO project ”

Investing in today’s digital world is indeed being improved greatly, becoming the most popular compared to real-world investments such as gold, diamonds, etc. While in the digital world itself is being popular is digital money or stock investment cryptocurrency, indeed since the beginning of his appearance could immediately be captivated the hearts of many people from all over the world because of cryptocurrency experience increase in price that is pretty fantastic, makes everyone insistence on and would like to participate. Along with the development of cryptocurrency then sprung also new projects which try to invite investors to join the project through the program ICO (Initial Coin Offering). ICO made a practical business method to attract a lot of people with attractive promotions and bonuses. Unwitting ICO growth very quickly and generates a turnover worth billions of dollars, it is remarkable. A large number of ICO that lasts is the wet fields to investors, making many investors got a big advantage because it usually ICO running in just a matter of months. On the other hand, sometimes creating confusion for investors choosing a project so that the ICO really benefit when investments, though not a little project which is actually projected ICO false and ultimately your money will disappear together the project maker gone when ICO project finished, I too don’t want to experience such a thing because it will certainly be very sad because our wallet contents drain. Fraud case is not new ICO project again, due to a large number of cases that already happened and until today there is no solution, it certainly makes investors become worried and more objective in selecting projects.

In the real world, we know an investment security system called “Escrow”, was a system of legal agreement in which a goods or money saved by a third party (the Escrow Agent) to a contract of investment projects to be implemented. The Escrow Agent is a neutral party that will save your documents until a certain age. For example, you buy a piece of land, because you can’t pay directly then you and the seller of the land agreed to utilize the services of the Escrow Agent to save land deed to the land purchase costs until completed so that security will be created. With a background that was then a project Chick, founded by Sergey Besedin and experienced team of tens of years in the economy, the project is named “Descrow”.

Descrow is derived from the abbreviation Decentralised Escrow, is the first system that provides decentralized services escrow for project implementation in a platform of ICO. The sophisticated technology platform blockchain is used by Descrow to create the security of transactions and also transparent in every activity performed by the user. Descrow was created with the aim to eliminate the anxiety investors against ICO projects currently outnumbered, anything that will be eliminated by Descrow? such lack of trust investors against ICO projects new emerging, sometimes investors are also not so sure about the neutral nature of the escrow agent, not all projects have ICO features interface for interaction between investors with developers when ICO running or after the project ended, the ICO this is certainly making sense of worry for investors and the last is the investors have no control over the funds already invested in. All these problems will certainly be solved easily by Descrow, the implementation of an escrow on ICO will be the main investors choice to determine a project that really proved to be good and not a fraudster. Examination of the Descrow against the developers extremely thorough in order to create safety stock investment cryptocurrency and create a high mutual trust between investors with projects developer platform ICO who are popular, so allow the losses experienced by investors will decrease and also for developers or project founder could promote their projects on the platform of the ICO for the occurrence of the smooth running of the projects they create. In terms of security, Descrow also make insurance platform for investors who invest in projects that are already in the verify before, when the project is experiencing a termination for cause from the developer of unknown reason or more boats with the term scam-project, then investors need not worry about taking action against it, because of the Descrowproperty insurance will refund your investment but not more than 70%. Indeed the security platform owned by Descrow is very beneficial for investors, such a project is indeed unprecedented and Descrow is the first and the best.

As a system of decentralized platforms with blockchain then Descrow to work seriously to build the economy through the stock market cryptocurrency. Descrow gather and perform storage funds safely to avoid losses of investments from existing crimes, all funds already accommodated such later will be used to finance projects which Descrow takes place when the ICO takes place and the rest will be frozen to return funds to investors if a project that followed proved unsuccessful or scam. Basically, Descrow before doing the selection eligibility ICO projects by way of voting of the members of the ecosystem, with the expected way a project will run well and everyone is free to participate in investment projects such.

Descrow generally helps to improve the flavor of the patchwork of investors against ICO platform projects, so that investors will be interested to participate the project financing because of security created by Descrow with the ease and also transaction system that runs automatically. Descrow is also useful in the stock market cryptocurrency because the existence of this platform, then the stock market industry also will continue to increase due to investment in security, the impact of projects against other ICO is going to decrease in a project that does not clarify the origin of false or project that benefits only one party, because it utilizes knowledge society which is still low in the world stock market cryptocurrency. So with the help of Descrow then the interaction between investors with the developer would be created, not only for investors who already experience but for any budding smart contract made Descrow would be easy to do. As evidence of performance that has been done by Descrow, then the following are some of the achievements that have been obtained, as follows:

  • Descrow has passed the auditing law while: project Descrow had graduated from the auditing law and the right to receive an assessment from Vladimir Popov, a lawyer leading it from Russia. This indicates that Descrow really intend to create ICO project investment security with the approval of the law, the report is available at .
  • Response to the scammers and extortionists: growing number of ICO projects makes it the target of the new criminals, fraudsters to perform acts detrimental to investors or for project developers. So Descrow is present to eliminate the problems of concern to protect all communities, even though the current Descrow is still in the early stages but Descrowcan already create a platform that could make people or investors believe in the ICO project. You need to know, at the beginning of December of yesterday there were a few people of unknown identity speaks to the founders of the Descrow project, they requested to buy this project but we don’t want to sell it. After receiving the response of rejection, they began to threaten the team Descrow by way of spreading false information about the project Descrow as well as dropping the good name of the founder of the Descrow, it’s all done knowing that the project could harm business them for this so they are trying to thwart. That’s proof that the dirty work was done by a group of people who are organized, who monitors the market of ICO. We invite you to take part in the creation of effective instruments to fight cheating and fraud as well as making the Descrow as the solution.

Descrow aims to increase the transparency of the market, to expand the ICO crowdsale industry and introduced him to everybody. Currently the amount of investment in shares of market cryptocurrency is estimated to have reached billions of dollars, growing economy creating higher demand for technology investment can directly connect investors with developers projects as well as be able to know the storage allocation of funds and those funds. All of that can be resolved by using a Descrow allowing for good users who already experience or beginners could still raise funds greater than ICO platform projects. The following are the main functions of the Descrow:

  1. Descrow operation system can be integrated with other crowdfunding platform: various platforms ICO, Kickstarter and its Analogues
  2. Descrow can be used whenever a voting program do to make decisions when choosing project ICO
  3. Voting can be done repeatedly at the Descrow platform ecosystem, can by investors or project developers.
  4. Descrow can be used as platform independent as a medium for raising funds by way of investments made in the custom token DES
  5. Descrow allows you to build your own blockchain platform is separated from the cryptocurrency.
  6. Descrow platform has a plan to increase infrastructure which allows to increase the income of money for investors or for companies but also for who could make the idea or the idea of a new investment project.

Descrow has the fundraising process and also the procedure of how to get the token, eliminating existing problems such as unsafe storage of funds, risk against loss of profits, as well as a stock investment is missing because of the scam. The following are the stages of fundraising:

Stage 1: In the first stage of this, investors are required to register their personal accounts, so that the investor will receive a unique address and also the private key (randomization of numbers or moves the mouse across the screen, etc.). After that, investors will be asked to transfer cryptocurrency of a personal account by using smart’s contract, which was later part of the Fund will be used for investment and partly kept to guarantee the security of investors. The funds will be kept in a wallet, the only investor who could open to avoid evil hackers. With this security then investors can monitor each activity there are cryptocurrency shares against them.

Stage 2: After ICO projects successfully released, so investors could sell on the stock market cryptocurrency stock assets or withdraw them.

Stage 3: Investors will get the message information through the medium of email, this message contains a report of the project as well as the related issue of new projects whether investors are willing to participate or not shareholders have time for 5 days to make the decision. If investors are willing to participate then it will automatically be listed in the project to get more profit. If after 5 days of no response then previous investment followed will transfer directly to private investors wallets.

On the sales process token then Descrow provides separate registration for supporters and for the beginner. At a time when the process of ICO then the rest of the information will only be obtained for those already enrolled. Descrow creates a token to be used in or outside the ecosystem the ecosystem, with the creation of a limited then the longer the token prices will continue to rise along with the number of requests from the public, immediately joined the Descrow visit; The following details about ICO and also token:

  • Start of ICO: 29.11.2017 (12:00 UTC)
  • Finish of ICO: 27.01.2018 (11:59 UTC)
  • Descrow tokens: DES
  • DES compatibility: ERC20 standard
  • Hard cap: 66 666 ETH
  • Initial price: 1 DES = 0,001 ETH (~0,30$)
  • Token total amount: ~ 66 666 666 DES
  • Speсial condition: increase of token price by 25%/a week
  • Initial price for blockchain-floating: 1 DES = 0,00175 ETH (~0,52$)
  • Adjustability: Undistributed tokens will be destroyed a smart contract
  • Acces to DES tokens: Acces to the DES will be through purse Etherum ( Mist or MyEtherWallet ) will support the ERC20 standard
  • Sales of DES tokens: The open sale of distributed token will be, itis available after the completion of ICO by Decentralized algorithm Escrow which is purposeof this project.
  • Token Allocation: 75% are reserved for participants of Pre-Sale and ICO,
    15% — are reserved for the team, 7% are reserved for the advisors, 3% bounty campaign.

For more information please visit the link below:



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ETH Address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78


“ Blockchain platform with multifunctional smart contracts building Protocol of Liquidity “.

The progress of internet technology is currently making major changes to the world economy, one of them with the appearance of cryptocurrency. Many of the new companies springing up with making projects cryptocurrency based blockchain and so far it is the best project BANKEX I have ever met. We know that technology shared finance (fintech) is currently popular in many societies because it gives comfort to consumers besides the factor of efficiency and lower risk making it community choice.

BANKEX is a focus on fintech companies merging Protocol Proof-Of-Asset with the blockchain platform that allows the creation of assets in digital form. Proof-of-concept Asset refers to the token being sold on the free market as an asset of your stocks, so you are free to use for Exchange or purchase goods from all over the world without having to be concerned with security because BANKEX provides companies that are already trusted and clear identity.

In addition to strengthening the Foundation of the BANKEX then built by such a strong team; scientist, developer, Manager who won the hackathons and already innovating in blockchain platform, this becomes your consideration for choosing BANKEX, immediately visit Here is a product that is being developed by BANKEX composed dar 4 products namely; IoT, Blockchain, Bank-as-a- service dan Smart Asset.

Products made with the above it is evident that BANKEX very seriously to build decentralised banking platform with blockchain of course it was all for the sake of convenience and security members. In order for the project to be implemented immediately then the BANKEX has done selling tokens with details;

  • Soft cap: 20.000.000 BKX tokens
  • Retail cap: 80,000,000 BKX tokens
  • Hard cap: 220,000,000 BKX tokens
  • Public sale: from 0.1 ETH

that can be followed by anyone of course after registering at the , registration is done so you get justice and guarantee security.


Because of the hard work was done during this BANKEX then received several awards, among them are:

For more information please visit the link below :



About Me :

Mazdap28 (;u=1263900 )

ETH Address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78


The First Crypto Marketplace


In increasingly modern time there is a lot of progress in the field of technology, one of undergoing rapid development is the internet. Increasingly more and more new technology which is certainly useful in daily life, one of the significant technologies that many societies throughout the world is the emergence of digital currency or better known as the Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency market is becoming very popular at various levels of society due to the increase in price is increasing drastically, so that many rich people recently due to investing in the stock market cryptocurrency. With a large number of people who have cryptocurrency then appeared also a wide variety of opinions such as, “can this digital money used directly to shop?”. We know together with the current interest in shopping online is also increasing rapidly in line with the development of internet technology, but shopping online also sometimes have constraints, constraints experienced by entrepreneurs and individuals who want to shop. Several problems that include, competition in the global market are quite high, the cost to pay in the platform is quite expensive, with a time of services limited, as well as the inability of the lack in product marketing. STORIQA present to overcome it all by giving convenience for its users.

STORIQA is a platform created for buyers and sellers all over the world. With an easy to use online store builder, any seller is able to create their own storefront to sell their goods, while making use of the platform’s wide range of features for a minimal fee. STORIQA offers new business opportunities for the novice or the professional who is already in the world of trademarks, through an application that is designed to be able to do a variety of things in one place without having to bother again. We’ve created a platform that will provide convenience for users so that everyone could participate in making shops in the application and also manage their own extra charge sometimes aggravating store owner. STORIQA has advantages than another online shop because we are using advanced technology from blockchain so as to allow everyone to shop at either STORIQA or Cryptocurrency digital currency, with blockchain platform of course every activity in the STORIQA will be much more transparent and thus more secure. STORIQA becoming more unggu from competitors that exist today so hopefully, it will continue to evolve and become a decentralized platform-based blockchain the first and best, the following table of excellence STORIQA:

adv strq.JPG

The applications created by STORIQA can be run later when the ICO has ended and after that, it will be done so that every Member of the launching of the ecosystem can make stores in STORIQA applications. Trading activities will be fully controlled by the store owner so free in determining prices, party STORIQA as holding merchandise as well as shipping and before that, all will be done to check the quality of product trademark. For buyers of their goods with the price is free to choose the most suitable and if the goods are not in compliance when shipping or damaged then the STORIQA will replace it. In addition to that most important is can buy using the cryptocurrency, for the flow of the process can be seen in the picture below:


By either using a smart contract then no need to worry about the payment is received the seller because cryptocurrency is not affected by the currency of a particular location. STORIQA offers three levels of planning in starting a business trading in the ecosystem, it is enough to pay all at once, namely:

  1. Basic (1 STQ per 1 item per 24h). An online shop with a catalog, hosting and a discount system, 24/7 customer support.
  2. E-commerce (2 STQ per 1item per 24 h) Online card payments.
  3. Premium (3 STQ per 1 item per 24 h) Buyer communication tools, promotion instruments, the opportunity to use the STORIQA catalog.

To be able to participate in the ecosystem then STORIQA creates the token in the cryptocurrency to ease the process, the creation of a limited number of tokens will make a price increase later in the day. This token is used as follows:

  • Goods placement fee
  • Promotion services
  • Referral programs and rewards
  • Internal transactions of the members
  • Making purchases in STORIQA stores using STQ tokens
  • Payment service for external stores.


Token Information:

  • Token ticker = STQ
  • Token Sale First Price = $0.003
  • Token price at Token sale $ 0.003–0.015
  • Total Supply = no more than Hard Cap
  • Soft Cap = $5.000.000
  • Hard Cap = $25.000.000
  • Token sale starts = 28th of November 2017
  • Token sale ends = 13th of February 2018

Token Allocation:

Crowdsale is live, lets JOIN US visit

token sallll.JPG

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“NITRO baut den Planeten Arcade und NOX wird das Token, das macht es sein”


NITRO ist ein Blockchain-basiertes Online-Collaboration-Projekt. NITRO enthält den NITRO Token (NOX), einen Cryptocurrency und elektronischen Marktplatz NITRO Marketplace, der die Wirtschaft der Videospiele-Industrie demokratisieren und alle Stakeholder auf eine integrierte Plattform und Community zusammenbringen soll. NITRO besteht aus 2 Schlüsselkomponenten, dem NITRO Marketplace und 2 Tokens, die Inhaber für unterschiedliche Zwecke verwenden können; NOX (NITRO Token), eine Clubkarte mit angeschlossenen Privilegien und Nod (NITRO Dollar), ein USD-gekoppeltes Sub-Token, das als eine Form der Ingame-Währung verwendet werden soll. Viel versprechende Spiel-Studios (“Seiten”) werden Zugang zu dringend benötigten Mitteln haben und in der Lage sein, mit Spielern früher in den Entwicklungszyklus zu verbinden. Dies wird erheblich verbessern die Qualität und Vielfalt der Spiele produziert, dies ist einer der ersten in der Welt, mit NOX als Pionier Blockchain-basierte Cryptocurrency-Token, um von einem börsennotierten Unternehmen, iCandy Interactive Limited (ASX: ICI) gesichert werden.  Mit NOX können die Halter:

  1. Teilnahme an der Wirtschaft durch Abstimmung über Spiele finanziert werden,
  2. erhalten Sie einen Rabatt beim Kauf NOD, als eine Form der in-Game verwendet werden Währung,
  3. erhalten Boni für Aktivitäten im Netz genommen.

Wir glauben, dass Nitro das Spielfeld stören wird, als ein Mittel zu verbinden und wachsen die Video-Spiele-Industrie in einer Weise, die für alle Parteien gerecht ist.

Wie Es Funktioniert

nox1Teilnehmen: ▪ Team wird kuratiert promising Game Studios (“PGS”)und neue Spiele, die von NITRO finanziert werden. ▪ NITRO ermöglicht es dem Laien, in der Videospiel Wirtschaft einfach durch den Kauf von NOx zu partizipieren. ▪ NOX ist eine Clubkarte, die den Inhabern einen privilegierten Status und ein Wahlrecht über zu finanzierende Spiele gewährt. ▪ NOX ermöglicht einen Rabatt beim Kauf von Nod , der USD-gekoppelte Sub-Token als eine Form der in-Game-Währung verwendet werden. ▪ NOX ermöglicht es den Inhabern, Boni für Aktivitäten innerhalb des Netzes zu erhalten.

nox2Connect: ▪ NITRO Marketplace verbindet Gamer, Game Studios und andere Beteiligte zum ersten Mal, um eine effiziente Kommunikation und Transaktion zu ermöglichen. ▪ Spieler entdecken und spielen neue Spiele, während Sie direkt von Promotern lohnen werden. ▪ NOX ist austauschbar für den USD-gekoppelten Sub-Token NOD, der im Spiel verwendet werden kann, um virtuelle Gegenstände auszutauschen.
nox3Grow: ▪ finanzierte Spiele, um den Umsatz mit Nitro zu teilen. Received Revenue-Anteil wird an die Auffüllung der Förder-Pool für neue Spiele, und auch für die operative/Marketing-Zwecke. ▪ Nitro erhält 20 bis 30% des eingegangenen Umsatzes
von geförderten spielen in Form von NOx, die auf Börsen gekauft werden. ▪ NOx wird dann auf Börsen von Nitro verkauft, um den Finanzierungs Pool für Spiele aufzufüllen. ▪ Nitro wird auch zusätzliche NOx von Börsen kaufen, um Belohnungs Pools zu erhalten. Belohnungen in Form von NOx, die gegen Nod ausgetauscht werden können, werden Token-Inhabern als Boni für Aktivitäten innerhalb des Netzwerks ausgestellt.


NOX ist ein Blockchain-basiertes Token, das für den spezifischen Einsatz auf der : NITRO-Plattform geprägt ist. Es basiert auf dem Ethereum-Protokoll (ERC20 Standard) und wird als die bezeichnete Währung innerhalb der NITRO Economy verwendet.
  1. Verwendung der Nitro-Plattform
  2. Token verwendet, um abzustimmen
  3. Im Währungs Spiel als Formular verwendete Token
  4. Token, die als Belohnung für die Teilnahme von Aktivitäten auf der Plattform verwendet werden

Informationen Token :


  • Token-Name: NOX (ERC20, Ethereum-based)
  • Symbolische Quelle: 120 Millionen Tokens generiert von Smart Contract
  • Kleinste Einheit: 18 Dezimalstellen
  • Akzeptierte Währung: ETH und BTC
  • Verwaltet von: NITRO Interactive Limited (eine Ergänzung zu den British Virgin Islands)
  • Pre-Sale: von 19 bis 23 November 2017
  • Datum Crowdsale: 1 bis 26 Dezember 2017
  • Sub NOD-Token: NITRO Dollar (NOD) ist 1 NOD auf 1 USD gesetzt, und wird als in-Game-Währung und für Spiel-bezogene Transaktionen verwendet werden. NOX wird leicht änderbar sein, um den vorherrschenden Wechselkurs im Nitro-Markt zu nicken.
  • Crowdsale Rate: 1 ETH a 800 NOX
  • Pre-Sale-Incentive: 30% Bonus, d.h. 1 ETH bis 1040 NOX (vorbehaltlich des Kaufwertes der mindestens 5 ETH)
  • Crowdsale Early Incentives: erste 24 Stunden-25% nachfolgende Bonus 48 Stunden-15% Bonus
  • Maximaler Umsatz: Ziel, bis zu 75.000 ETH zu erhöhen, aber das NITRO Team kann
  • Betrachten Sie eine Überzeichnung von bis zu 85.000 ETH


token aljer

Join in Nitro, Crowdsale ist Live visita .

crowdsant nitro.JPG

Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:



Baca lebih lanjut


” World’s first IoT contract and payment platform “

The current internet technology advances cause everyone dependence because many features that are provided that can help everyday activities become easier. One of the features that is IoT (Internet of Things), this feature connects human beings with various electronic devices in your home or an explanation in simple terms is a physical item that is associated with the virtual. But for now this feature has not been used by IoT maximum by people all over the world because of the constraints of the cost is quite high. Then how about Hdac? Hdac platform gives the solution for you to get connected to the IoT with security as well as lower costs.
What Is Hdac ?
Hdac is the next generation platform based on smart contracts blockchain and combined it with the platform of the IoTHdac will make a system that is efficient and safe when transacting with the use of blockchain platform.. Hdac will correct in taking action for the environment maximum M2M transaction every day, such as economic activity that must be smooth and easy transaction. In addition, we will allow, using our technology to promote the daily requirement is reasonable and intelligent and accurate management for all communications and utility costs. By combining blockchains and cryptocurrencies are expected to serve as a reliable, secure transactions, and efficient for the Internet environment (IoT).Transaction Machine-to-Machine [M2M] will be implemented with transaction peer-to-peer [P2P] impact fees will be lower than the centralized deposit system which is used in industries such as mobile billing and apartment management that exist today. To progress and develop IoT platform then with hard work Platform Hdac provides building blocks that are missing :
  • Authentication – devices can be correctly identified by one other
  • Mapping – once identified, they can connect seamlessly
  • Machine to Machine transaction – devices can then bill each other
To make the Hdac growing and stable then Hdac do marketing activities on the community so that created global technology ecosystem as described below :
Hdac token information
  • Token Name : DAC
  • Token Price : 0,1 BTC = 2.200 DAC
  • The Hdac TGE target : 6,000BTC
DAC Allocation :
The total issuance amount will be 12 billion dac.
  • 17% of DAC for capital reserve.
  • 27% of DAC distributed to the Hdac presale / TGE participants.
  • 86% of DAC can be earned through equitable ‘ePoW’ mining.
The first block reward will be 5,000 dac. Everyone has the right to join the mining Hdac for 170 years or longer.
Use of proces :
 Pre-mined DAC will be used as follows. (14% of the total)
  •  35% of pre-mined DAC for capital reserve.(A)
  •  15% of pre-mined DAC for Hdac foundation & Hdac technology AG.(B)
  •  24 of pre-mined DAC will be used to implement Hdac technology. (C)
  • 11% of pre-mined DAC for global marketing, managing social media channels, advisors, and bounty programs.(D)
  • 15% of pre-mined DAC to create infrastructure, , liquidity, ecosystem organisation management and activation. (E)
Why Choice Hdac ?
We aim to eliminate the monopoly of mining, by way of applying the concept of window blocks so the result mining will be more equitable and just and more energy efficient.
We enable you to connect to blockchain seamlessly so you can enjoy it and get the best course.
We give a sense of security to users from hackers in cyberspace every transaction you undertake. By applying Quantum Random Number to resolve it.
Hdac TGE is live
Hdac will provide an extra bonus of 400 DAC per 0.1 BTC when participating in the TGE, lets JOIN NOW visit
For more information please visit link below :
About Me :
ETH address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78


“sistema de inversión autogestionado, impulsado por la sabiduría de la multitud”

Hasil gambar untuk crowdwiz


El equipo de software kryptoniano construye un ecosistema de inversión CrowdWiz, descentralizado y de próxima generación basado en la cadena Ethereum. Utilizaremos la tecnología “Chain” para revolucionar y democratizar los procesos de inversión y recaudación de capitales. Lo lograremos eliminando intermediarios en el mercado, como banqueros de inversión, corredores, gestores de fondos, aseguradores y diversos tipos de grandes instituciones financieras centralizadas. nuestro objetivo es proporcionar Los inversores tienen acceso directo a oportunidades de inversión en el mundo de la criptografía y permiten a los emprendedores atraer capital para sus proyectos de una manera eficiente, rentable y segura.

¿Qué es CrowdWiz ?

CrowdWiz una generación subsiguiente de ecosistemas de inversión descentralizados basados en Ethereum. Utilizamos la tecnología “Chain” para revolucionar y democratizar la esfera de la inversión y la recaudación de capitales, eliminando a los intermediarios modernos del mercado, como corredores de inversión, gestores de fondos, aseguradoras y Grandes instituciones financieras, y al hacerlo-vamos a poner el poder y el control sobre las inversiones en manos de los inversores. Sin intermediarios, sin cargos extras.

CrowdWiz resolverá todos los problemas potenciales, proporcionando simultáneamente oportunidades de inversión adicionales a los pequeños y medianos inversores. Los beneficios adicionales incluyen las siguientes ventajas como parte de nuestro ecosistema destructivo :
  • Los participantes pueden crear sus propios fondos de sabiduría de la muchedumbre con objetivos específicos de inversión
  • Acceso abierto a una amplia gama de productos financieros
  • Costes comerciales reducidos
  • Fácil acceso a la recaudación de capital para emprendedores
  • Transparencia completa basada en la tecnología de la cadena
  • Gobierno autónomo de la comunidad de inversiones democráticas
  • Capacidad para votar y mantenerse flexible al unirse a varios proyectos


  • Entorno de inversión de menor riesgo debido al proceso de gestión de la sabiduría
  • Uso múltiple del token de Wiz en varios servicios y aplicaciones en la plataforma

Inversiones en tecnología de cadena e ICO’s se convirtió en la atracción principal en todo el mundo financiero en 2017. El ecosistema CrowdWiz tiene como objetivo proporcionar acceso a una amplia gama de oportunidades de inversión que están disponibles en el mercado. La tecnología de la “cadena” proporciona la base ideal para los mecanismos de votación y el uso de la sabiduría del concepto de muchedumbres.


Nuestro ecosistema

El ecosistema CrowdWiz pretende crear una red global descentralizada centrada en los servicios financieros. La plataforma incluye diferentes tipos de participantes agrupados en tres categorías principales: inversores, emprendedores y el propio sistema CrowdWiz, que permite crear nuevas multitudes dirigidas a diferentes sistemas o inversiones Vehículo.


Beneficios del nuevo ecosistema :
La fuerza de la plataforma CrowdWiz proviene de la sinergia entre sus miembros, creada por la transición del estado de la toma de decisiones individual a un ecosistema grande y evolutivo. Basar los servicios y las transacciones en una moneda única (Wiz) generará confianza entre inversores y emprendedores. La adición exitosa de audiencias y activos a través del tiempo al ecosistema proporcionará el pool de liquidez requerido para un funcionamiento y crecimiento sin problemas. En función de la ejecución de las transacciones en el.

Venta de fichas

Para financiar una hoja de ruta para su misión y visión, CrowdWiz realizará una señal de venta de una oferta limitada de visas. Los tokens Wiz se venderán a un precio fijo en ETH y el stock total máximo será de 40 000 000 tokens Wiz. Al final de la venta simbólica, el Wiz distribuido representará la plenitud del líquido disponible, los tokens Wiz no vendidos serán quemados.

  • Nombre de token: WIZ
  • Precio simbólico: 1 WIZ = $1
  • Distribución de energía = 40 millones WIZ
  • Monedas aceptadas = ETH, BTC, LTC, alambre, CC
  • Transacción mínima = 0,1 ETH / 0.01 BTC / 0.5 LTC / $ 5900 WIRE / $ 50 cc
  • Max. Transaction = $100,000

La distribución de marcadores Wiz se ilustra en el gráfico circular y se resume en la siguiente tabla :


Propósito y uso de WIZ :

  • La entrega de tokens Wiz es limitada.
  • El token de WIZ está completamente integrado en el ecosistema CrowdWiz, y la participación en todos los componentes del ecosistema será realizada exclusivamente por WIZ tokens. Por lo tanto, se espera que la demanda del token aumente proporcionalmente al número de usuarios activos.
  • Los tenedores de tokens Wiz pueden ofrecer sus ideas de inversión en la plataforma Wizfund y votar por sugerencias hechas por otros participantes.
  • Los tenedores de tokens WIZ pueden crear sus propias multitudes, recaudar capital para sus fondos de inversión específicos y emitir tokens de muchedumbre designados para sus multitudes en el intercambio de ecosistemas (Wizexchange).
  • Los sostenedores del token de WIZ pueden participar e invertir en estas muchedumbres como sigue-los inversionistas transfieren sus tokens de WIZ en la muchedumbre y reciben a cambio el letrero señalado de la muchedumbre. Si la muchedumbre seleccionada de la mejora del capital será acertada, los inversionistas utilizarán la muchedumbre de la muestra y comenzarán a manejar el fondo nuevamente formado de la muchedumbre. Si la multitud no levanta el capital requerido, todos los tokens WIZ serán devueltos a los inversionistas. Todos los tokens de la muchedumbre serán enumerados en el mercado del ecosistema, donde los inversionistas pueden comerciarlos.

Vamos a unirnos al Crowdwiz ICO :

spain 3


Para que un ecosistema cryptocurrency tenga éxito a lo largo del tiempo, debe contener conductores e incentivos para su propio progreso económico sostenible a largo plazo. A medida que el token de WIZ es utilizado por más miembros, el ecosistema crecerá exponencialmente, generando valor para el beneficio de sus titulares de tokens a largo plazo.

For more information about CrowdWiz please visit link below :




Mazdap28 (;u=1263900 )

ETH Address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78



First AI-Powered System For Transparent Cryptocurrency Investing


The development of the world very rapidly cryptocurrency makes everyone want to participate to invest in the stock market cryptocurrency considering the huge gains in the stock market. But not many people can predict the market price of stocks they follow, it can be fatal if it is wrong to predict the market price because it will cause losses on stock market investors. For that Mirocana is present as a solution for your stock market investment business.

What is Mirocana ?

Mirocana is a platform based on blockchain, created a modern system based on human brain nerve to create stock market predictions accurately cryptocurrency. The system of Mirocana continuously works relentlessly to predict the stock market cryptocurrency by way of collecting, storing, processing and analyzing of financial data that is in the stock market. Here is how it works Mirocana :
1. Open a broker’s account :
It has integration with interactive Broker like OANDA and Poloniex then you can create accounts in the Mirocana.
2. Open a Mirocana Account :
Create a Mirocana account and you can connect to a broker or other exchanges.
3. Select your target return :
By using Mirocana you can choose the target stock as well as liking you will be shown the risks of the stock market that you follow.
4. Track your progress :
Utilizing the features of interface so you can keep track of the work of the system and can use the broker or any other exchange.

Mirocana Ecosystem

To support the success of prediction, then the Mirocana utilizing historical and connected in real time to various data sources and any data already prepared his strategy.

Token Sale

As a supporting system of success then Mirocana creates a token so that the participants can join in the stock market cryptocurrency directly.

Sunday, November 19, 2017 12:00:00 GMT
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

1 MIRO token = 0.001 ETH
200,000,000 MIRO tokens
60,000 ETH


Invesment Product

By purchasing the MIRO token then you can use it as follows:


Benefits Join Us Mirocana

By joining Mirocana, then you will get the following benefits:

  1. Working Product : Using sophisticated machine own to predict and manage funds from investors.
  2. First 8 Month No Fees : During the first eight months you will not be charged any fee for any activities at Mirocana.
  3. Utility Token : Token MIRO you can use for investment and is up as moderated.
  4. High Token Growth Potential : We will continue to develop Mirocana platforms, with a limited token then the prices will continue to rise.




For more information about Mirocana please visit link bellow :




Mazdap28  (;u=1263900 )

ETH Address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78



INS Ecosystem


Trade is one of many professions that are traversed by millions of the world’s population, the number of desired needs by the community encourages the occurrence of buy and sell commodities food or other support needs of social needs and also to Some people shopping is lifestyle to indicate social status. Not only applies in the real world, however, along with the advancement of technology then the trading system also happens in cyberspace, many popping up online store provides a variety of community needs that provides the convenience of shopping, can done anywhere and anytime through your computer or smartphone. Even for shopping is currently the first choice of most communities in all corners of the world. In 2015 the turnover of online shopping site revolves around 98 billion and, according to research from IDG will continue to grow until the $290 billion in 2020. For the wholesale market will also increase of about $8.5 trillion in 2020. However, the current market is still dominated by retailers that caused the producer price will increase dramatically when consumers buy, so ecosystems INS present loss as the solution. For more details let’s discuss that you know the benefits of the presence of INS Ecosystem.
What is INS Ecosystem ?
The main problem in the trade is the wholesale market is still dominated by retailers and manufacturers also do promotions are less effective because, in addition to the methods that perform less attractive because the cost of very expensive promotion. With high consumer demand in the market then the INS deep ecosystem that is present as a solution, INS Ecosystem implements a decentralized Commerce ecosystem that allows consumers to save up to 30% of your daily spending money by purchasing these goods directly from the manufacturer.
With INS Ecosystem so consumers no longer need to shoping through the retailers or wholesalers because consumers can interact directly with the manufacturer, so that consumers will feel more transparent while shopping and also the consumer can choose own brand of what they want and what they need with a lower price would have been. In addition to the consumer, the manufacturer would also find it helpful, which during the sales advantage thus received huge traders then with presence of INS Ecosystem then manufacturers also can directly market to consumers directly without having to do the promotion cost is expensive. For example e.g. farmers, if they want to market goods yields they then should be able to qualify the retailers or wholesalers who no doubt cost a high yields they received, with the INS Ecosystem then farmers could It offers direct to consumers, could even be offered before it is harvested with the media Smart Contract offered the INS Ecosystem, of course manufacturers will be more efficient because of it. Most of the countries in the world were ruled by the retailers or wholesalers that are large enough to take advantage of the consumer, let’s look at the following graph:
Shocking for all of us, it turns out that almost all of the major trading countries wholesale has been overrun by the retailers and wholesalers, even in Portugal reached 90% dominated by retailers. Their master and set the standard for manufacturers of products that can be marketed, even they could threaten to close manufacturers if in their opinion not worth selling but it is because the issue of profit that would accrue to the retailers. Therefore the INS Ecosystem will help producers to promote or sell their products directly to consumers without having to go through retailers or wholesalers, considering the costs to the promotion by 17% of the total cost of production of the producers or approximately $500 billion and the result was 66% promotion fails when through the retailers or wholesalers.
INS Ecosystem will also reduce import food products and will empower the local farmers so as not to waste food buildup occurs which essentially reduces fee for delivery of food by implementing efficient systems are interesting, sometimes When manufacturers market their products through retailers or wholesalers will be incurred losses while food products are not sold and just dumped it is certainly going to result in losses for producers. Because looking at the marketing system undertaken by the retailers inefficient, expensive and already outdated surely will make losses for producers, the INS Ecosystemdoesn’t want it to happen so the INS aims to give direct interaction between producers with consumers, manufacturers can promote their products in a more efficient and personalized.
During this time the wholesale market of the world dominated by retailers or wholesalers that are causing losses for producers or for consumers. INS Ecosystem is an answer, the INS Ecosystem will be the first global marketplace and the best in the world by means of the market so that consumers can decentralize buy products directly by choosing for themselves what they need and of course with high quality and best price. Here is a comparison between the INS Ecosystem with competitors:
A thing that is very influential to the technological advancement of trade that will benefit both parties between producers and consumers.
Our Ecosystem 
The INS Ecosystem has already been ecosystem are clustered attractively with a detailed structure and decentralization that allows wholesale trade remained stable and continues in a long period of time. The INS Ecosystem as the latest breakthrough in the world trade wholesale will not stand on its own without the help of others, here is a diagram of the participants who participated in the INS Ecosystem :
 1. INS Platform : is a decentralized market allows producers to join and promotion as well as selling directly to consumers. The role of INS Ecosystemplatform is as follows:
  • Create a token and token as the launch and expansion of the Development Fund.
  • Establish a fair and secure implementation of the time of the transaction order of the product.
  • Develop smart contracts to run payment system.
  • Release of website and applications to support the connection between manufacturers with the Center.
  • Create incentives for all parties joined in the ecosystem.
  • Develop an active promotion to improve the trading process.
  • Elaboration of the ecosystem’s regulatory aspects.
2. Manufacturers : is the company or individual who produces the product or foodstuff consumption needs of the vernacular of the day. The task of the manufacturer are as follows:
  • Publish their products.
  • Provide products that demand by the consumer market.
  • Promoting products through the application of the INS Ecosystem.
3. CONSUMERS : individuals or companies who want to buy high quality food products at the best prices through websites or applications the INS Ecosystem. The contribution of consumers is as follows:
  • Find and buy products from manufacturers.
  • Participate in feedback requests
  • Get prizes from promotions, loyalty, find referrals as possible and also feedback.
4. FULFILLMENT : is a service provider as a place to place storage product before sending a courier towards the consumer. It also has a duty as follows:
  • Accommodate the products submitted by manufacturers.
  • Setting up a product to be sent to the consumer.
  • Prepare the goods to be taken the courier.

Blockchain & Smart Contract

The INS Ecosystem has made such Ecosystem using the sophisticated technology of the system platform blockchain, which enables decentralized with cryptocurrency that is popular today as bitcoin or etherum. While the smart contract is a contract that comes with terms of the agreement between the seller directly with buyers, the transaction is made transparent in the blockchain platform is carried out between the two sides. Reliable contracts without the need of the legal system. The main focus is to find a support contract is smart, predictability, stability, as well as ease in the ideas. Plan future INS Ecosystem is planning to create and develop theINS Ecosystem to improve the performance of existing platforms in blockchain, to monitor the market continuously, applying a quick consensus algorithm output BFT. This allows INS Ecosystem make thousands of transactions in a matter of seconds so that it would be more orderly. Then what is the main function of blockchain INS Ecosystem? There are three things, namely:
  • As Smart Contract.
  • As a payment system.
  • As supply chain management.

INS Token

INS Ecosystem have already token-ERC-20 named “INS” are in the Etherum network. The token can be used in the ecosystem of the INS and Cryptocurrency market. To be able to get a token, participants must be registered in the ecosystem of the INS Ecosystem in advance. During registration so attendees will get the user profile and also the wallet that will awake the security of personal data belonging to the participants. During the ICO then the token can only be owned by those who registered, but in future we will sell tokens freely to all corners of the world, on condition that the country allow and don’t break the rules in the country. The use of the INS Ecosystem the token is as follows:
  • Manufacturers = Rewards: loyalty, promotion, cross-marketing, feedback. Minimum balance hold
  • Consumers = Payment for orders
  • INS Ecosystem = Referral rewards to consumer.

Token Sale

● Start: 04 December 2017, Monday, 11:00 AM (GMT)
● Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
● Soft cap: 20,000 ETH
● Token: INS
● Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 300 INS
● Total token supply (max) = 50,000,000
● Project protocol: ERC20
● Min purchase: 0.1 ETH
Payment methods : BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash, USD (Bank Transfer)
INS Token Contract Address: 0x5b2e4a700dfbc560061e957edec8f6eeeb74a320
500,000,000 INSP airdropped to all Ethereum addresses holding >0.1 ETH
Token Allocation
● 60% Token Sale contributors
● 15% Team
● 5% Advisors, early supporters, bounty
● 20% Reserve Fund


Every online shop definitely has marketing methods, one of which is to make the application as first by INS Ecosystem, but the difference in this system, neither consumers nor producers alike will gain an advantage.
To support the success of INS Ecosystem then created an application that can be used as a medium for consumers to shop and give feedback to the website application. These applications make it possible for producers to promote their products as attractive as possible so that consumers are interested in buying. The transaction process the selection of shipping method or payment can be made directly through this application, consumers can also ask for specific products to manufacturers so that two-way communication is intertwined directly which creates transparency in the process of trade-based online. Consumers can choose products with high quality and the best price then it will be created either from satisfaction of the consumer are also from the creators of the product.

Benefits to join us INS Ecosystem

When joining the INS Ecosystem then it will get the following benefits:
  • The manufacturer of the goods will be directly connected to the consumer.
  • Addressing the problem of dominance of large retailers and traders in various countries.
  • Offers a range of smart contracts to members of the INS Ecosystem.
  • Awards in the form of token INS Ecosystem for loyalty members.
  • Benefits to consumers: Get the price of high quality food at prices cheaper than in stores, online shopping process more easy, unlimited access to select the manufacturer of the goods.
  • Benefits for manufacturers: control the full price of the product and a list of products that will be sold, marketing and promotions directly to consumers, the feedback from the customers faster and more detailed.

Roadmap INS Ecosystem

INS Ecosystem gets a good response from consumers, because since 2013 the INS Ecosystem has managed to build good relationships towards consumers. Thanks to over 4 years of doing good relationship then INS Ecosystem using the experience as well as basic science as the Foundation of the company is to create the largest wholesale system without going through retailers or wholesalers. INS Ecosystem involving many aspects such as technological development, operations, infrastructure, contract installments, and also launched marketing initiatives. With a wide experience and science then created the following roadmap:
With the roadmap showed that INS Ecosystem very seriously to create a decentralized market most of the best that can be used by the wider community around the world. Consumers are expected to be inclined to select INS Ecosystem as a place to shop for everyday products so that ecosystem evolve and created a transparent market for all walks of life, whether consumers or producers. For the development plan, the basic INS Ecosystemwill expand its marketing area by selecting the big cities in the world with regard to the level of the population, the level of income of the community as well as the level of interest in shopping online. INS Ecosystem will be more active in marketing to expand the ecosystem so that retrieved the acceleration of expansion and improve the system of decentralized ecosystem, so around the world later on will no longer be retailers or wholesalers who have violated wholesale trade rules.

Why choose INS Ecosystem ?

Maybe for some of you still feel doubtful and have not been convinced to join the INS Ecosystem, therefore I will tell you to solidify the INS Ecosystemwhich is not found elsewhere, namely:
  • Strong Team >> a strong team and had a huge solid, professional and proven success in running the business.
  • Premier Partners >> INS Ecosystem is already supported by the leading Blockchain companies and experts in their field.
  • Overwhelming Interest >>7 of TOP-20 an FMCG manufacturers (AND 500 + IN TOTAL) confirmed their interest to INS Ecosystem, both local and global manufacturers from around the world.
  • $300 Billion Market >> The largest wholesale market growth and rapidly in the world.
Team & Advisor

For more Information please visit link below :

About Me :

ETH Address : 0xc9A0cD3C9D00b61F5e46B4f234F5adb91fAB0A78